Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Thursday, January 27, 2005

I Think It's Time For Another Post

Parachute Tomorrow!!!!!



Tell you about it when i get back :)

Congratulations to those who got into their courses at uni! It feels SO good to see that "approved" sign on your application :) . I know, I saw three of them. Thats what you get when you apply for open entry courses. Still, i got my 1st choice - Ba/Be conjoint. I have no idea how. Still, i don't care how. I just care that i got it. Now i need to get a student loan and enrol and make up my calender. Fun. I want to make up a calender that is similar to my friends, none of whom are doing any course remotely like mine. What's the point in having a day off during the week when you have no one to share it with?
Mmm. Synchronised Calendering... :P

Man. I'm not used to typing normally! I'm used to typing mega shorthand. Without capitals. Capitals are annoying. At least, the shift key is.

"Somewhere Only We Know" by Keane is so good! Foot-tapping fun.

Can't think of anything else to write tonight so seeya when i get back from....

PARACHUTE!!!!!!!!!! yeaaaaa!!!!!!!!!

night ~


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