Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Two Small Steps

>>Greetings y'all
>>Parachute was incredible!! It was so much fun! Those of you who were going to go but couldnt for various reasons REALLY missed out! I'm not going to write about it here now. Maybe some other time. Ask me about it if you want to know. May i highly recommend you go next year. Yes you. No not him - you.
>>Anywayz. Now I'm Back, I've gotta enrol in my courses and complete my timetable calender thing. *Calendar. I'm really not looking foward to it - it seems very long and involved. And I still want to know what days everyone's getting off so I can get it too. Wednesday seems to be popular choice at the moment. Got my Engineering handbook in the mail while I was at Parachute. Havn't got an Arts one yet though. I can't really do anything until I get it. Grrr. The handbook also looks long and involved. I'm gonna have to take an entire day off just to read it :P
>>In other developments, there seems to be an increasing trend in hot sunny days. Parachute was just one hot sunny day followed by another. It was insane! The tent was like at oven at 8:30 in the morning!! At least I thought it was. Simon seemed relatively impervious to it.
Lucky. And its hot here now too! It's midnight and 29.5 degrees! That is insane! Oh well. It beats winter. I don't like the cold. It's too numbing and energy draining. My favourite time of year is the bit between early October and mid December. It's really nice. Especially in the late afternoon.
>>Mmmm. I seem to have had a font change. How did that happen? I don't like Arial. That's better. I think another reason maybe why I took up blogging for a while (no promises that there will be another post) is that, well, I've seen Finding Neverland twice now and I'm feeling an urge to write. I've always liked creative writing and I think Finding Neverland touched a nerve. Hmm. Have to see where that leads. My recent re-foray back into music didn't go very far but maybe I'll be able to ressurrect that too. Again. Man, when I typed "no promises that there will be another post" before, if I'd been typing in French I'd have been able to say "never promises that there will be another post" and it would have actually mean't what I wanted to say. What I mean is that each post may well be the last. I make no promises that I will write another. It's kinda fun though. So hah. Take that you die-hard readers. Both of you.
>>Bonjour monsieur, ecrivez-vous en francais?
>>Non. Je ne parle pas le francais. Je ne le sais pas.
>>And so I won't. Although it would be nice.
>>Mais je voudrais apprendre le francais.
>>Bah. I don't know enough to be able to write for long in it. And my vocabulary is very limited. Maybe I should ressurrect my French as well. That would be cool :)
>>Wow, that's quite a long post. There is a moth crawling in my hair. How friendly of it. I'm not sure that I'm ready for such a relationship yet though. I'd prefer it kept knocking itself out against the light. Wow this place is a menangerie. At a single glance at the wall I can count 4 moths and a spider. Not to count the dead moths and preying mantis on the window sill that got in but couldn't get out again. Poor things. Anyway I'm, sure you really feel complete now you know that fascinating insight into the animal life of our study.
>>"To hell with the devil"


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