Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Oooh~ I have archives! I'm not quite sure how. Sorry Henry, my tagboard is stuck at the bottom for now, unless you can help me move it. By the way, your tagboard is still right down the bottom of yours too. Maybe its a new trend that they're putting in.

Work was quiet today. Tonight. Probably had less than 150 people all night. People should see more movies. It was great though - I was on floor so I got to check on movies to make sure they were still playing and not stuffing up, and clean up after each movie. Cleaning up isn't as bad as it sounds. Just pick up big stuff and sweep seats and the floor and you're done. And some of the credits have COOL music! Like The Incredibles! The music is like 007 meets Lost in Space meets Mission Impossible! You almost want to dart around waving pretend guns in the air and commando rolling down the steps :P Alexander has cool music too. Not to mention Finding Neverland's piano solo.

Man we had a bad stuff up tonight though. For some reason the 9:10 session of Flight of the Phoenix was put into the computer and put up on the display screens as 9:40, so we had a whole lot of people who came to see a movie that had started half an hour before. They were not happy. I had to deal with them and pacify them and send them to the manager to get their refunds. Not fun. Particularly when they swarm around you demanding to know what's going on and cutting off your lines of retreat.

Finding Neverland is probably my favourite movie now. It is SO good! I almost cried the second time I saw it. Almost. Not like some people who actually did :P (won't mention names). Johnny Depp's acting is flawless. So is Kate Winslett's.

I saw the Star Wars trailer today! Man it's an anti-climax! The beginning looks like it's going somewhere, but then all it does is flash a whole lot of incoherent scenes in your face and then shows the movie name (Episode III: Revenge of the Sith) with the Imperial March theme. I think it's meant to be the teaser trailer. Certainly didnt tease me. I can tell you what happems though. Palpatine gets a lightsaber, Yoda gets another fight, Anakin gets red eyes, Obi Wan and Anakin get to fight each other, Darth Vader gets an appearence, Chewbacca gets one too, and there's a massive space battle. That's about all I remember. Comes out in May. Not too long away. I think the trailer is before Alexander at Berkeley.

Anywayz, that's the scene at the movies summed up for you. Goodnight.


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