Blog Eight

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Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Thursday, February 15, 2007

My Timetable

I've finally enrolled in my papers for this semester. It was a bit of a hassle because I had to go and get approval for my courses from my course advisor. That was annoying. Still, he was perfectly fine with my course selection and with my course outline for the next few years.

It was quite funny - my course advisor is one of those stereotypical gruff old guys who look like they want to bite your head off but turn out to have a heart of gold and invariably end up telling you a story about their sons. This guy fit the stereotype exactly!

So that was good. Now I'm enrolled.

So here's my timetable for this semester. Before I show it though I should mention that I've changed my Arts major yet again. This is the 3rd time (in three years) that I've decided on a new major! The original was going to be History, then I changed that to English, and now I've changed it to Linguistics. The reason is partly because I took a Linguistics paper last year as part of my English major, but ended up loving the linguistics paper and wanting to take it further, and partly because I'm really not that excited by the thought of analysing texts that don't interest me, while simultaneously juggling three Engineering assignments. I would need another stage one English paper, and there aren't any stage one English papers that I particularly like.

So it's Linguistics!

Here's my timetable:

Yes, it's a mess. There are classes all over the place. The Linguistics lab will probably be in the Fisher building which is just above the law school. So getting from there to Engineering in time for the next lecture could be fun. If my two classes on thursday are what I think they are, then I probably won't need to turn up to them often, meaning I'd effectively have thursdays off. That would be good!

Here's what I'm taking:

Linguist 200: Syntax And Semantics is exactly that. The study of syntax (grammar) and semantics (word meaning). Pretty straightfoward. Bastardly early though. It's going to suck getting up on time to get to those 9am lectures. The only class I've ever had at 9am was Engsci 131 back in 2005 - and I only went to two of those lectures! Still this will be good practice for next semester...

Mecheng 334 - Mechanical Design 2 - I always start a semester with a design paper in it with a certain amount of trepidation. That's simply because the design projects involve a LOT of work. This paper is almost guaranteed to be entirely internal (ie. 100% coursework based) which means plenty of projects all semester long.

Mecheng 322 - Control Systems shouldn't be too bad because most of it is just building on what we did last year in "System Dynamics Modelling, Simulation and Animation " - that nightmare paper that kept me up till 4am failing the projects. So this paper might be ok. Still, I have a horrible suspicion that it might be an internal paper as well. Two papers based entirely on coursework would be disastrous to say the least.

Mecheng 242 - Mechanics of Materials is the first of two papers that I didn't take last year when everyone else did, the reason being that I am doing a conjoint. This paper looks like the big brother of the Mechanics paper I did in first year. Lots of stresses and bending moments and torsion. I need to get the textbook for this one. It should be good.

Mecheng 223 - Machines and Mechanisms is the other paper I didn't do. Apparently a few people failed this one last year so I won't be alone in taking it! That doesn't sound promising though. On the surface it looks fairly easy - it looks at types of machines and how they work - things like motors and gear boxes and shafts and stuff. Should be fun.

I promised myself back at the end of 2005 that I would never take 5 papers in one semester again. Unfortunately I need to break that promise if I'm to finish my conjoint in anything like a good time. Every semester I say that it looks like that semester will be more intense than the one before, and every semester I'm right. This one will definitely be insane. If I am taking 2 internal papers, this could be the hardest semester I ever have.


Gutted to be this guy:

I've been reading some fascinating stuff recently. I'll probably post about it sometime soon.

Now though is dinner :)


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