Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Friday, February 02, 2007



1x large toy car chassis, incl. 4x wheels
2x DC motors with gearboxes
6x NPN transistors
3x CdS photoresistors
2x 3.9K resistors
4x 4.7K resistors
6x 1K resistors
1x 1M resistor
1x 22K resistor
5x 220 ohm resistors
1x 0.1 microfarad capacitor
1x 0.047 microfarad capacitor
1x CMOS 555 timer
6x op-amps
4x photovoltaic cells
6x unspecified resistors
5x potentiometers
1x single board computer with EEPROM (possibly a BASIC Stamp)
1x flash memory drive?
3x LEDs - 1 red, 1 yellow, 1 green
2x ultrasonic transducers
Aluminium foil
Conductive foam
Plenty of wiring
A greater knowledge of electronics
Knowledge of the BASIC language


There is something that has struck me recently as being totally unlike anything else. It's not something I've ever experienced before, and it's not really something I had really thought was possible. It's something that stands out like a sore thumb in a class of its own against your average day to day dealings and interactions with those around you. The something that I'm talking about is the sudden, complete, irreversible end of a fairly close friendship.

It's where two people, who once chatted and bantered about nothing much, are totally silent around each other, saying nothing that isn't absolutely required, and looking the other way when saying it. It's where two people, who know things that few other people know, treat each other with the formality due to strangers. It's when the sight of someone once brought pleasure, but now brings nothing - except maybe a mild annoyance.

I know of only one cause of such a break - and that is an impassable offence. Where one or both of the friends irreversibly offends the other. Fortunately offences can be forgiven, and that removes the anger and the bitterness, but it doesn't relight the fire. It allows you to move on - but to move on alone.

It's sad that it has happened, but at the same time I don't regret it. The very act of closing your heart to someone means you will not want them back.


In other news: I now own a sword!


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