Blog Eight

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Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

About Movies

I've seen two movies recently - Happy Feet and Deja Vu, and I have to say - go and see them!!

Deja Vu I give


out of 10. I wasn't too fussed about this movie from what I saw in the trailer - I thought it would either deliver on its promise (and deliver it well), or it would totally flop, and I was putting my money on it totally flopping.

But it didn't. This is a really good movie! I thought it was going to be an action movie, but it isn't - it's a thriller. It's well thought out, well told, well acted, and I didn't find it at all predictable. The only flaw I thought was near the end - *spoilers* - .......... I think it would have made a better story if he couldn't alter what happened. It should have been a sad ending - although I have to admit - it was a good ending!




And Happy Feet. It gets


out of 10. This movie is on a par with Shrek. It is so good! Everything about it is good! Except the ending - the final part of the movie weakens considerably - not only does it contain a couple of leaps of logic, but many people say the message of the movie suddenly changes. I don't believe it does - it simply introduces a sub-message right near the end (which admitedly is a bad place for it). The main message is not simply "be yourself", but is rather a variaton of the 'unlikely saviour' idea. If you haven't seen it, see it and you should see what I mean. But seriously, see it! For me, this movie is contending with Superman Returns for best movie of 2006.


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