Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

A Conversation

If you have red/green colourblindness, then the following conversation will look like it's all written in one colour:

-"... Yes, I am an atheist."

-"Oh? A Biblical scholar are you?"

-"No ... I'm an atheist ... I don't believe in any of that stuff."

-"Well then you're not an atheist! An atheist has a scholarly knowledge, not just of the Bible, but of all writings of every religion! An atheist is someone who has extensively studied every religion, who can talk at length about the intricate details of each religion, and who has, after much rigorous examination of each, come to the intellectual decision that there is no basis to any of them. Anyone else who claims to be an atheist is just a fool."

- Paraphrase of a conversation between Chuck Swindoll (ex-atheist, current pastor) and another pastor whose name I can't remember.

Also if you have another form of colour blindness, then the following two spots will appear to be purple:

But that's ok, because everyone's colourblind to some extent. It's simply because our eyes don't have enough different colour receptors to distinguish between every combination of colour. We can only distinguish between different levels of red, green, and blue, and we use the combinations of red, green and blue, to interpret other colours (somewhat like the way a computer screen uses combinations of red, green and blue pixels to create all the colours you see on your screen). However to us, certain combinations of red, green and blue look exactly the same as other combinations.

The first circle is reflecting a lot of dark red and light blue, with not a lot of the other colours. The second circle is reflecting a lot of bright red a little bit of orange, a lot of bright green, and a lot of dark blue, - but we can't distinguish between the two.

A person we think of as "colour-blind" is someone who has even less ability to distinguish between colours than most people.

I bet you found that fascinating.


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