Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Bombs Away!

Stupid transmogrified tagboard has been evicted from the sidebar and consigned to the Place of Unwanted Code. Now I have to get a new one. Grrr.

Oh and by the way, Henry and Dennis, Helen said you guys got new ones. I went onto your blogs to see what it was like and here's what I saw:


I don't know what the problem is. Helen says she can see them fine.

(EDIT. I can see Helen's:


Anyway, moving on. Today has been a real bundle of depression - there's just so much death around at the moment!

For starters, Sohail's dad died after being hit by a bus a few days ago,

My parents were at a funeral today for one of my great-uncles (I think) who went to hospital with a leg ulcer and died of pneumonia,

One of the bird-nests in our garden has (had) 2 baby birds in it until one of them fell out last night. My sister and I spent pretty much all today trying to keep it alive,

But none of those would have got to me so badly if it wasn't for a friend who...

No. I can't tell you. That'd be breaching confidence.

So yeah, that last one (the one I can't mention) has me really depressed. For those of you who were at Steve's party, sorry if I seemed like a bit of a downer during it - it's just I've got a lot to ponder and be sad over right now.

Yeah I was going to say some other stuff but I'm too depressed right now.

So long as you have the ones you love and you can keep them, that's what matters. Everything else is trivial in comparison.



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