Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Friday, September 22, 2006

Bye Bye Berkeley

Phew! So that was one of the busiest weeks of the semester! I had a test yesterday afternoon, a project due in today, and another test a couple of hours ago. Operating on 60% sleep is not fun and it sure catches up with you - I'm gonna go to bed soon.

Anyway, what's been happening....

Well ...

Lol it was funny yesterday (or the day before?) I was walking out of the new entrance (now on level four) of the engineering library and I glanced across the road at Kate Edgar and the gym, and I was like "wow! there's actually life in the university outside Engineering!" Like - when you spend all day every day inside the Engineering building, you actually forget that the rest of the university exists! Walking across to the quad occasionally to get lunch feels surreal - like it doesnt really exist or something. So yeah, glancing over at the rest of the university was really weird considering that the boundaries of the world hadn't stretched any further than the walls of Engineering for so long!

Maybe Sonny knows how I feel.


Another funny thing happened today - me and another guy practised telepathy:

About twenty to one this afternoon I was on the bus about 10 minutes from uni, and I started getting this weird impression that I was being missed in the Engineering building - I felt like it started as an "I wonder where David is" and that it quickly got more urgent; I felt that there was one guy in particular (maybe two or three) who was searching all over the building trying to find me. Then I started thinking "he should text me and ask me where I am."

At this stage I still figured it was just me and my imagination - although I had my doubts, so I was only half surprised when he texted me (an unprecedented event) going "where are you?"!

It turns out that the time I started feeling he was looking for me was roughly the time that he actually did start looking for me, and whats more, when he told me about how he was trying to find me, the places he said he looked were the exact places I'd pictured him looking for me!

Weird huh?

And yeah, I don't know if there was anyone else looking for me - but other people knew he was trying to find me, so they may have been helping him search.

Our project was due in at 1pm, and he wanted me to quickly run over his again before he emailed it to the marker to make sure ours weren't identical. That's what the urgency was for.

Five people in another Engineering paper were sent to the Disciplinary Committee for cheating.

That guy who took the pxt in this week's Craccum of the Net account with over $2million in it was expelled for hacking into the system. Turned out the pxt wasn't a photoshop!

Berkeley Cinemas Botany is no more. It's gone. It's currently being removed. You'll never be able to see movies at Berkeley Botany agian. In fact, next time you go past it, have a look, you won't see it, because it simply isn't there anymore!

Now it's READING Cinemas Botany!!

There was this really, really annoying guy on my bus home a couple of nights ago - he got on at Panmure and got off on the Pak highway; he reeked of alcohol and was REALLY obnoxious! He kept talking really loudly and addressing fairly offensive questions to people. He kept turning around to stare at the few asians who were up the back of the bus, then started making really loud racist comments about asians. I wanted to punch him. Then when he got out (at the front door) he started saying thanks to the bus driver (who was a newish lady), then tried to lean over her and pash her on the mouth!

I really, really badly wanted to punch him hard. He was a total dick.

So on that positive note,

Au revoir~


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