Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Monday, August 28, 2006

Expect A Devastating Earthquake Soon

Here's from last Thursday's New Zealand Herald:

"An overdue alpine fault earthquake will strike "out of the blue" and cause widespread death, shut down power generators, create tsunami within New Zealand and overwhelm emergency services, experts warn."

South Island geologists Mauri McSaveney and Associate Professor Tim Davies have warned that the South Island alpine fault line is well overdue for a major devastating earthquake, and have said "The most likely time for it to happen is now. The next most likely time is tomorrow... the longer the delay the bigger it will be. It will occur with no recognisable warning."

The last massive quake happened in 1717 and the time between that quake and now is longer than any gap between quakes in the past. The two geologists spoke at the Natural Hazards Management Conference and outlined what we can expect from this earthquake:

"There will be death and injuries, especially in the Alps and West Coast. Rescue services and medical services will be overwhelmed, and remain so for weeks in places. Shaking damage and land instability will disrupt surface transport for months, tourists will be trapped, and distribution of vital supplies (eg. food, fuel) will be limited. Hydro stations will be shut down immediately and may be slow to restart, power reticulation will be damaged. Only satellite phones will remain in use."

Does it sound apoccalyptic? Two doomsday prophets going off on a rant? Too terrible to happen in New Zealand?

It's overdue.

Click here before you keep reading.


I saw Take The Lead today, all on my lonesome. It gets:

out of 10. It's a great story told very well! I loved it. Go see it! I think you've got until Wednesday.

Played basketball today. I am so unfit! Made the mistake of eating too soon before I played, and as a result I spent most of our first game not doing much.

I want to see United 93! Like, really want to. If I see you in the next few days I might ask you if you want to see it with me. Be ready with your "yes".

I have to do my CV too. I can't forget. Then I have to start taking it to engineering companies ASAP before all the good ones go! Must do soon.

That's all.



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