Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

"That's No Moon ... That's a Space Station"

Three years after the original Star Wars came out, this photo was taken of an object in our solar system:

Needless to say, this picture caused a bit of initial concern when it was released. After all, it doesn't look that different to this next picture:

There were many people who believed that a Death Star had invaded our solar system, and was possibly headed for us. Fortunately though, the photo is of Mimas, a small moon orbiting Saturn. And yes, it really is a small moon. It's kinda funny though, the way people jump slightly when they see that photo of Mimas for the first time.

Yeah, I just thought I'd share that with you.

But while on the topic of Star Wars - something else - something that I was meaning to say when I talked about Pirates of the Carribean. Some people [spoilers -->] have said that they don't like the way that this second movie doesn't have an end - the way it just stops - it cliffhangs. Then there are others who feel that there should never have been a sequel or triquel - that the first was good as a stand alone story, and there shouldn't be others building on it. Well I want to take this opportunity to point out the very obvious similarities between PoTC and the original Star Wars trilogy.

Firstly - A New Hope is also a stand-alone movie. Both trilogies start off with movies that work perfectly well as stand alone movies, and don't need sequels added to them.

Secondly - Empire Strikes Back also doesn't have an ending. It leads straight into Return of the Jedi. This is exactly like the PoTC trilogy, where Dead Man's Chest leads straight into At World's End (or whatever the third one is supposed to be going to be called) without any real resolution.

In fact - the second movies of both trilogies finish in almost exactly the same way - in each movie, one of the lead heroes (the more pirate/smuggler-like of the three major heroes) has just been captured by the bad guys, and each movie ends as the remaining two of the three (a guy and a girl) and their friends begin to set about rescuing them.

So whatever you think of the story structure of the PoTC trilogy - remember that it's based on a tried and true model.

Anyway, it's bedtime. Night~

No - wait - no it's not. Get a load of these:

Situations you never want to be in:



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