Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Light Banter

The fax machine beside our computer prints out "power failure reports" after each power cut. Here's what today's one says:

The electricity failed.
The following data was lost:

- Journal
- Transmission Memory
- Reception Memory

It sounds like the fax is now a lifeless shell. It apparently does not remember how to receive or transmit.

Did anyone else notice that it was insanely windy early this afternoon? I'm sure I heard tiles shifting on our roof, but I didn't want to go up to check it because I didn't rate my chances of staying on it in the wind. We've got branches down all around the place, and the neighbour's TV aerial was blown off their roof! (Well not quite - it's hanging by a wire or something.)

I've resolved to go and buy a transistor radio with spare batteries, and to get spare batteries for our lanterns.

I want to know how Berkeley got on in the powercut. If anyone reading this knows, please let me know. There are two things I want to be working during - one is a fire alarm, and the other is a power cut. Both times we've had fire alarms I've only arrived shortly afterwards. Some people hinted that there might be a connection between the fire alarm and my imminent arrival, as though they were hinting that if I wouldn't arrive then it wouldn't happen. Huh.

Here's some reviews, because I feel like reviewing.


Master & Commander: The Far Side of the World (movie)

out of 10.

I thoroughly reccomend this movie. It's got a stellar cast, led by Russel Crowe and Paul Bettany (Crowe at his second best (after A Beautiful Mind) and Paul Bettany probably at his best (better than in A Beautiful Mind and A Knight's Tale)), and a stellar storyline (as it would, being based on the novels by Patrick O'Brian). What's more, it's fun, action-packed, compelling, intelligent, moving, and honest. You will be thoroughly absorbed. If you haven't seen it, make a point of going and getting it to see it.

Watership Down (book)

out of 10.

Athough this is a children's book, it's also a Modern Classic. I love this book. I think there's only one thing I really need to say about it in terms of how good other people think it is:

It is Penguin Book's #1 BEST SELLING book of all time.

If that's not a reccomendation to read it, I don't know what is

Here's some more stuff about it:
It was also voted 42nd best book of all time by a BBC public survey in 2003; George Lucas credits it as being the inspiration to come up with his fictional universe that became Star Wars; It's referenced to in Lost and in Donnie Darko, and in several of Steven King's novels.

This is a children's book for all ages. Read it.



Blogger Antithesis said...

auckland uni people, great! *appropriate emoticon*

7:38 pm  

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