Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Cold and Dark

Hello sister.


Speaking of which, our house might be being staked out by a mysterious loiterer in a beanie.

Exams are coming for those of you who live under rocks (or don't go to uni). I should start studying - my first exam is next thursday (or next wednesday - I can't remember which).

Not much happening here. My productivity level (compare it to Dennis's and Helen's) is sitting on about 10%, if that.

Saw X-Men 3 with Mike yesterday!

out of 10.

Really enjoyed it. I'm kind of a fan of the X-men movies - not fan like "I know everything about the X-men universe and have all the happy meal toys", but a fan like "out of all the comic book movies that have come out in the last 6 years, these are my favourite." Still, that might change when Superman comes out.

Speaking of universes, a really cool thing about all the Marvel comics is that they all exist in roughly the same universe. This means, that you can find Spiderman comics featuring guest appearances from some of the X-Men, and Fantastic Four references in some of the X-Men comics, and stuff like that. I reckon that'd make for a pretty cool movie - featuring several different superheroes in the one movie!


Here's Wikipedia of the Week.


And here's a tongue twister I thought up. See if you can repeat it 10 times out loud to yourself without making any mistakes:

Sushi shassy, sashy sushi, shashy shusi

And if you get that one,

Try this one:



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