Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Saturday, May 06, 2006

On bLabLa's Behalf

Barbara's a Chemical Engineer. That means she is someone who has something massive due in almost every day and can't take people's shifts at work when they need them off, because she's busy on an assignment, or lab work, or a test.

It also means she has boring courses like "Processing" and "Metallurgy" that she has to go to all the lectures for, because if she doesn't, she'll have no idea how to do the next lab work. This usually means wagging Mathematical Modelling 2 in order to study / play cards.

She's meant to have got her shift off tonight (she was meant to close Circle) so she could go to Liam's. Liam also works at Berkeley, I don't know if he reads this, but he's just turned 16.

Happy Birthday Liam!

Barbara I hope you got it off! You'd better be there! Or else you'll be hearing from me! *stern face*

Got to go - off to Liam's. I'm waiting for my phone to charge, but it should be done by now. It only takes about 45 minutes to fully charge. It's kinda screwed.

matlab = fun;



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