Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Essay Questions

These should be two compulsory essay questions for anyone old enough to vote, given out just before each election:

1. The primary purpose of a socialist, left-ist government like Labour is too help the poor and working classes. Therefore, in order for a government like Labour to remain in power, it must keep the majority of the voting population poor enough to rely on its help, thus through the 'help' it provides it must actually never let them become financially sucessful, as this would result in them voting for the opposition. Discuss.

2. Labour remaining in power for 9 years running is a sign that they have such a stranglehold over the economy of New Zealand that they can keep unemployment high enough and wages low enough to ensure that the poor (who are being fooled into thinking that the government is helping them out of poverty) remain the majority. Discuss.


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