Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Tuesday, April 11, 2006


Bored? Invent your own language!

Speaking of which, had a French test this evening. C'était difficile! Arts206 is the tiniest lecture theatre ever! It's wider than it is deep! It was like having a test in a cupboard.

Things I have to do:
- MM2 assignment 5
- MM2 project
- Mechanical Design project 3
- French lab work

These holidays are going to be VERY busy.

I want to see Inside Man.

I want to go to Antarctica.

I'm bored.

KFC are offering a deal where you pay for a burger combo and get a free chicken wing + potato and gravy! It looks good. I might go to KFC just to get it. Pity they don't publish printable vouchers over the net.

There is a 50/50 chance I might be about to get free comps to the Circle Lounge for a month!

Cats were once considered to be rodent pests, and were exterminated the way mice are these days. To some extent they still are - just go to Valentines and check out the feral(?) cats that live out the back!

Berkeley has a few mice. So far I know of 4 or 5 in the last few weeks. I think they've come up a pipe and been breeding under the floor. They have been known to get in through the fire escape behind the Cock-and-Bull. Once (ages ago) one got in that way, ran through the kitchen with a whole lot of CAs (cinema workers) after it, got caught in the staffroom, and killed. Another got in that way a few weeks ago and ran under one of the popcorn machines on Candy Bar. The CAs were struggling to continue serving as normal. Later that night it was found dead under the machine. Too hot probably. Possibly.

Number 3 was also found dead somewhere by Steven recently.

Number 4 (Tricksy) was trapped in the Cinema 2 cleaning cupboard in the weekend. At the same time number 5 (Petri-Dish) was seen in Cinema 2 cleaning storeroom (the storeroom under Cinema 2) by someone. Liam then saw it again. I was there with him at the time but was looking the other way. It went under a freezer but by the time we'd got torches it'd gone.

Joe and Simon caught Tricksy that same day with a popcorn box and some gloves. They set her free out the fire escape. The popcorn box is no-longer in use. Petri-Dish is still at large, however, he may be the one that was caught tonight in Cinema 2 cleaning cupboard (seems to be a good place to catch mice). If it wasn't him (and I don't think it was, because this one was smaller), then the mouse caught tonight was number 6.

I want one of them to get into the girls toilets! And run the whole length of the cubicals at the same time a whole lot of 10 year old girls in belt-length skirts are taking a co-ordinated toilet trip! You'd hear it in Whitcoulls!

According to Wikipedia, the main reason mice are sold in pet stores is to be used as snake food! It also says that two mice can have up to 5,000 babies a year!! Berkeley's screwed!

Funny though, we don't seem to get spiders in the cimema.


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