Blog Eight

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Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Personal Personality Summed Up By Questions

Where does icecream come from?

So I did that personality test that Dennis and Henry did too. Here it is. Same deal as last time - agree, don't know, disagree:

You are a Free-Wheeling Visionary

You are a Visionary

Your imagination, self-assuredness, and knowledge of the world combine to make you a VISIONARY.

You have clear notions of how things could be, and the confidence to try to make them that way.

You enjoy having a routine, and prefer comfort and familiarity to risk and adventure.

Not needing others' approval to forge ahead, you are confident in your designs for the future.

Your imagination allows you to envision the world as a better place.

You're better at thinking of the big picture than you are with details, and you can see wonder in abstract things.

Style and appearances are important to you, and you have a good eye for beauty.

You are somewhat rigid in your beliefs, which comes from both confidence and an aversion to change.

You are good at creating works of art in forms with which you're familiar.

If you want to be different:

Appreciate the earthly, functional elements of things.

Your clarity of vision sometimes prevents you from being open to new ideas. Try expanding your horizon of experiences, and experimenting with novel ways of doing things.

You are Free-Wheeling

Your charismatic nature, liveliness, and independence make you FREE-WHEELING.

You don't mind being in the spotlight, preferring larger gatherings to quiet nights.

You take a practical approach to people, not getting too involved in their feelings—or their business.

At the same time, your acceptance of others leads you to be understanding of their life circumstances, even if you don't quite understand their emotional reactions to some things.

Although you have a wide circle of friends, you're very discerning as to whom you can trust.

You're not rigid in your beliefs about the world, and you don't want to impose your perspective on others, but at the same time, you know that plenty of people don't always act responsibly.

Engaging with others is a large part of how you live in the world, and most importantly, it plays a role in how you see yourself—you tend to learn the most about yourself in situations where you are with other people.

You have an understanding of the complexities of situations, and you don't judge others too hastily.

If you want to be different:

Your open-mindedness about the world gives you a great perspective on things, but your lack of trust in others limits how close you can get with them. Try opening up to people a bit more without losing your healthy skepticism.

While being the life of the party comes naturally to you, be sure to reserve time for yourself—see what you can learn by spending some time observing the world rather than just by diving in.


If you want to do the test you can at

As you can see, I tend to get more accurate results with these things than most people. I wonder why.

Even the suggestion are fairly accurate-ish. They're a bit haphazard. They remind me a bit of talking to Spleak. If you have never talked to Spleak, add her to your msn now -

Back to starting my assignment (due tomorrow, worth 1.11% of my final ENGSCI211 grade).

aubade \oh-BAHD\, noun: A song or poem greeting the dawn; also, a composition suggestive of morning.



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