Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

First Impressions Last

Today, for the vegetables out there, was the first day of uni. Yesterday was the day I got my invoice with my semester fees in the mail, and today was the day it said those fees were due.

So that resulted in a fast trip to the bank, and me getting to uni early (12pm) to stand in a queue for ages so I could pay my fees. This year, because I worked so insanely much in the holidays, I

DON'T have to get a student loan!!

That is such a good feeling, not doubling the debt I'm already in...

So today: My lectures. I had lectures for all for of my papers today. This is what I think of them so far:

Mecheng 234: First up at 1pm. We're gonna have about 4 lecturers for this paper. They all seem cool which is a bonus, and one of them seems to be no less than the Head Of Department himself. Otherwise not a lot to say. Fairly unobtrusive paper, a couple of projects and an exam. First up is revision, so that's good (and boring). One bummer is more CAD design. I hate CAD design and CAD design hates me. At least we get a better CAD program this year, let's hope this one actually works. Engineering Design M2.

Engsci 211: Had to go from PLT2 to HSB1 to get to this one, and then back to MLT2 for the next one, so there's some between lecture excercise right there. We get about 5 lecturers for this one, and the first one (woman) has the most annoying, high pitched, voice ever! Add to that a weird accent and her technique of emphasising the wrong parts of words (sth like "TOday we ARE going to TALK aBOUT STANDAARD devIation!", the capitals are the bits she puts the emphasis on), and I'm already getting annoyed at her. Insult to injury is that she's teaching the only stats module in the course. I HATE statistics!! So yeah, once she goes it should be good. 9 assignments, 2 projects, 1 test, 1 exam. That's one less assignment, 1 less project, and 1 less test than last year. Yay. Mathematical Modelling 2.

Linguist 103: Back in MLT2. Exercise. Big class, lecturer that started off nice, but rapidly got annoying with her over-friendliness. Takes ages to explain a point. I have to go all the way across to the Fisher Building (above Law, next to Theology) for my tutorial which sucks. Still, exercise between lectures is all good when you spend the rest of the day sitting down. Looks like it could be a promising course. Looks at how words are made up, the International Pronounciation Alphabet, and Syntax. Counts towards my english major. 2 assignments and 1 exam. Intro to English Linguistics.

French 101: Had to search a bit for this one, it was in CAG10. Small class (25-odd), initial overwhelming impression: HOT (french) lecturer and HOTTER girls in the class! Also the lecturer had a really cool way of interacting with the class, and getting the class to interact with each other that really breaks the ice. She's a good teacher. Pity about her [not too good] English though. Had to purchase $167 of textbook/workbook/CD package though, so THAT sucked! Also got random do-it-yourself-when-you-have-time labs that I have to complete every week. Labs, tests, exams, this one has it all. Introductory French 1.


Patrick Park - Something Pretty - amazing song! Folk-rock. I love it!! Get it. I can't stop listening to it!

My blog got reviewed!! Yay!! So exciting. First time I've ever been reviewed. I think I should celebrate with a little something.

You can see the review here.

Look what they did to the Statue of Liberty:


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