Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Friday, February 24, 2006

Three Days Until Uni

Spot the number of things wrong in this picture.


How to Create a Web Log (Blog) Michelle Park
Duration: 5 weeks $50.00
553A EC Tue 28 February 7.00 - 9.00pm
553B EC Tue 9 May 7.00 - 9.00pm

Blogging is an easy way to publish your own Web page to the internet. From the first night you will have set up your own personal Blog. If you can type, you can blog. Course looks at creating and maintaining your blog, developing content and utilising some of the great tools available online for this fun way to get online.

Or, teach yourself for free. Duration: 5 minutes.




Three days left until uni. Three days of work. I'm still enrolled in my courses - bonus! They haven't kicked me out for doing it Against The Rules. Slackers.

So. What did I get for my birthday? I got this:







Aren't I a happy boy?


And some books and the 2nd season of Scrubs on dvd (yay!)

I need to buy textbooks this semester. This time it looks like I'm not going to get away with ignoring the "required" labels in the course descriptions.

I'm getting #&!! %*$ed off with blogger atm. Whenever I use multiple enters to seperate paragraphs, or spaces to seperate bits in lines (like put a word on the right), it decides, while publishing, to condense itself and delete all those enters and gaps so there's no large gap between paragraphs, and text wraps itself around pictures, rather than staying underneath, where I put it. And then it goes and doesn't upload pictures when it says it just has.

It's really $*%#%^ing annoying.

That's about it really.

Nothing else.



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