Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Friday, January 27, 2006

Events That Have Happened

So. Last Friday (now why did I type that? It was last Wednesday... I think...)


I can't remember, it was either last Wednesday or Thursday, but certainly not Friday (I think) that I went Ice Skating with a WHOLE lot of people from work. First time I've ever ice skated and I spent most of it going around the wall but AT LEAST I DIDNT FALL OVER!!! I almost fell over, but I didn't fall over like so many people did! I almost fell over, but I had the wall to grab on to :)

That was heaps of fun, and so was bumming around Botany after with a crowd of about 15 people (some left after ice skating). There's a lift at Botany that is designed for 11 people. We managed to get about 15 in and out twice. It was quite funny watching people's faces as the stream of people leaving the lift seemed to be unending.

I want to learn to ice skate now.

At work we had a MOR (Management Operation Review) today, and it's continuing tomorrow. That's where the owners of Berkeley come along from Head Office and scrutinise EVERYTHING you do and put ticks and comments on clip boards while looking forbiddingly at you. It's quite daunting.

My thoughts are all over the place tonight. I should really go to bed...

I'm reading Goodnight Mr Tom at the moment. It's not exactly a kids book, more of a "young readers" who arent kids but not adults either book. But even so, it is just as popular with adults. If you have never read it as a kid, I fully recommend going to the nearest library and getting it right now. It is one of the few books reported to have actually reduced the publishers to tears as they were printing, its THAT moving!

Go and read it.



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