Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Saturday, January 07, 2006

What Raymond Said (Straight From The Heart)

I'm not sure if I'm looking foward to going back to Uni much. I also liked school more in a lot of ways. Uni is too big and anonymous for me - totally alone yet surrounded by so many people. I wouldn't care about that though if I could hang with my friends properly there. Sure in second semester I saw at least a few people most days at lunch which was cool, but it isn't the same when all they want to do is discuss the finer points of their textbooks or the merits of the views their lecturer took. I like to be a part of a close-knit group rather than on my own in a sea of faces, which doesn't happen at uni. I think school was better in this regard, mostly because it was a much smaller society (a fish in a smaller pond) which meant you get to know people a lot more and spend a lot more time with them. I would gladly trade a degree for a group (or more than one) of life friends.

Another thing I don't like about Uni is the traffic grime. I think most people are oblivious to it but I get home everyday feeling like I'm covered in a layer of soot and fumes. I hate walking up and down Symond's street because you just get covered in fumes and you're almost all you're breathing in is bus exhausts.

This is what I love about Berkeley. From day one we began to form a tight-knit group. There's a lot less people there than even at school, and so the group is a lot more tightly bound together. To say everyone at work is friendly is and understatement. The result of this is that over the course of the year I have become more distant from my friends from school and a lot closer to my friends from work. This has continued into the holidays as I am working essentially full time. I get really sad at the thought of how much further I am from my friends now. I hope it can be fixed. On the other hand, I have gained another mutually exclusive group of friends, which is great beyond words.

So 2005 was a year of constantly changing equilibrium (I'm pulling out the biggest words I can find today). Friendships have fluctuated over the course of the year, yet on the whole, if I had like a "total amount of friendship meter" it would be roughly the same as it was at the beginning of the year.

Anyway. That's a bit of what has been floating around recently. Just a bit.



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