Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Monday, November 21, 2005

Funny Pics

The warning label on day 26 of Dennis's blog reminded me of some really funny pics I have. They showed them in one of my Electeng101 lectures and I found them on the net. You may have seen some of them already. I think they're hilarious:

Those are my favourites. You can find heaps more at and if you want to see more.

Saw Crooked Earth tonight on tv. I liked it. Its got Temuera Morrison and Lawrence Makoare in it. It's a New Zealand film about two brothers, one, a soldier returned from the war in Bosnia, and the other, a Maori radical who runs a dope growing gang. It's very thought provoking and quite moving. It explores the whole land-claim, Treaty of Waitangi grievance thing mainly from the perspective of a Maori radical, and also the underlying racism that pervades a lot of our mentalities. I give it a 6.5 out of 10. Good but not Very Good. Thought provoking, moving, and enjoyable. And done well. And it's shot in the Coromandel which means the landscape is beautiful of course. Get it out. It's probably only a few dollars on the back shelf of the video store.

Anyway, that's all.



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