Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Sunday, November 06, 2005


So on Friday night I had a fireworks party with some mates from work. That night I learnt a fundamental truth about fireworks. All you need to have a good time is a bunch of Roman Candles that you shoot at each other. There is nothing more exhilarating than a roman candle fight! There is nothing quite like being shot at with balls of fire while running and shooting back :D

The other thing that makes a fireworks night is when one of the fireworks tips over and fires straight up the beach at you and you are dodging and leaping and ducking trying not to get hit and it keeps shooting in different directions coz of the recoil and you barely have time to get out of the way when it fires straight at you and ... oh the fun! You have to admit - it holds true that the more of a risk something is to life and limb, the more fun it is!

Still, a 20 year old blew several fingers off his hand friday night in Tauranga (i think) because of being stupid with a firework.

Anyway, that's all~

It's my ultimate Guy Fawkes ambition to let off a skyrocket...

One of these:

That would be better than a roman candle fight. Can you imagine one of those lifting off from Eastern Beach? It would be SO cool!!

Anywayz its late.



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