Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Monday, August 29, 2005

Fun Filled Days

Dunno about yours, but my first 2 days of holidays have been great! Slept yesterday morning, bummed yesterday afternoon, then went to work. I was rostered on to help with the rugby (yes we show the major rugby matches on the biggest screen in New Zealand), and because there were only 5 people watching I did pretty much nothing :) Cleaned a wall, sat in the staffroom, helped in the kitchen, bummed around in the manager's office, sat in the staffroom, went to get food, went out and bummed on floor, sat in the staffroom, etc. A manager is leaving tomorrow which is a shame - shes really cool - everyone loves her. So I kinda hung with her and one or two others who weren't doing much / were on rugby shift too which was fun.

Then today I went and saw Kung Fu Hustle with the same few people (including the departing manager). It's a hilarious movie! Its totally random and insane at some points but there are parts where your're in stiches laughing - I highly recommend it. It also has a more serious and slightly emotional storyline to it too. So yeah, then we hung out at work for a while, then I went home and came back at 7 for pizza. All the others were still there and I only came home at 10!

Great fun :)

Manager's leaving :(

I just banged my knee on the edge of the desk :( I drew blood doing that the other day - there's these annoying metal sharp things holding up the bit the keyboard sits on and they hurt like you wouldn't believe when you whack into them :(

I may not get a summer this summer holidays. Or next. I have to do 8 - 10 weeks of full-time - like 8 hours a day 5 days a week of engineering practical work!

That SUCKS!!!

That's 2 - 2.5 months!!

No summer!!!!



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