Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Good Day

This week went better than expected. This semester looks like it's going to be better than expected too. I was expecting to be absolutly dumped on in terms of coursework and timetable, but it won't actually be too bad. Sure I have 4 tests for one subject, but at least 2 of my labs are only 3 times a semester, and at least I don't get weekly double-assignments like I had a lot of last semester. On the other hand, I've already started a project for Design - it's worth 40%!!! Also, I already have about 3% of my Chemmat mark from my lab this week :P

I thought my timetable would really screw me over this semester. Last semester I had classes an average of exactly 3 hours a day. This semester, on paper, I have an average of 4.2 hours a day (with 7 hours as the maximum(!) and 2 as the minimum), but in reality for most weeks it's only 3.2 hours a day. To Arts bums that may seem a lot, but it's surprisingly little given the massive amount of work we gotta get through.

So what am I taking this semester?


CHEMMAT 121: Chemical and Materials Engineering
ELECTENG 101: Electrical Engineering Systems (or something like that)
ENGGEN 111: Engineering Design 1B
ENGSCI 131: Engineering Computing
HISTORY 140: Europe in the Age of Kings and Queens

I think that's 8 or 9 points. Could be worse.

A hilariously funny thing happened in my Electeng lecture yesterday. At least it was hilarious at the time, but when I relate it it never seems quite as funny. What happened was - I don't know if this is the same for every lecture theatre - but we found out yesterday that Eng1401 has a phone in the lecturn drawer. We found this out coz it started ringing randomly in the middle of the lecture! So the lecturer (a really cool guy) asks us if he should answer it. We (all 200-odd of us) collectively decide he should, so he opens the drawer and answers it, and in a very friendly tone of voice he goes -


>"Sorry?" [blocks other ear to block out sound of 200 students cracking up]

>"No, this is a lecture theatre :)"


>[calmly resumes lecture after hilarity dies down]

It was SO funny!

I thought of an awesome prank to play. I assume the university has it's own in phone network, with 1 or 2 or a few out lines. So what you do, if you get access to a university phone, that is connected to the university network (but one you don't have to dial a number to get out) and you dial 137 and hang up. If the university is connected on one single phone network, EVERY SINGLE PHONE ON CAMPUS WILL START RINGING SIMULTANEOUSLY!!!!! Every lecture theatre, every office, every Munchy Mart - EVERYWHERE!!! I would LOVE to try it!!! All you need is unsupervised access to a suitable phone!

Gotta try it.

Anyway. Had a great day today but can't be bothered talking about it. Spent most of the afternoon bumming around with Chris, Rikky, Janks, and Anneleise (not even going to try spelling it right). It was one of those days where everything works out really well. Even the weather in the afternoon was perfect. PERFECT!!

Anyway. That's all for tonight.



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