Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Off the Wire

Sup people, just finished a weekend of solid work. Had work friday night, then saturday afternoon-evening-night, then all day today. The only time I had free was late last night watching Starsky and Hutch at Julia's. Saturday morning I spent unintentionally sleeping in. I was intendind to be up shortly after 10, but instead I woke up shortly after 12.

Firstly - Starsky and Hutch is a cool movie! I really enjoyed it. Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson go so well together, and Vince Vaughn (is that his name?) always adds a little something to any movie like that that he's in. I think he's in Mr and Mrs Smith (I also want to see) too.

Secondly - I've been listening to the Best of Jon & Vangelis recently. It's a really good album if you like retro, retro electronic music. I couldn't think why Vangelis's voice sounds so familiar, then I realised he sounds like a combination of Morris Gibb, the lead singer from Queen, and the lead singer from Enya. I quite like retro electronica I've decided. At least, when it's of that quality.

Two more exams this week - wednesday and saturday mornings. Then I'm free!

Go to and join up! It's a website where you can find people from all your old schools and clubs and stuff (in NZ) and see what they're doing now. If you sign up then they can find you too :) Lots of people from Macleans are doing it - everytime I go to it there's 1 or 2 new people.

Hmmmmm....... hot topics........ I don't think Michael Jackson's guilty. Face it - he hardly had a normal childhood and all he's doing is trying to recreate the childhood he never had - he's surrounded himself with toys and children to compensate for it - all he wants is to be a little boy again. Doesn't mean he sleeps with them. Sick minded people. Sure he's eccentric, but then he's a very talented artist - what would you expect?

National's ahead of Labour in most of the polls. Go the capitalists! Maori party has a dangerously high percentage of support - 2%! There's actually a glimmer of a chance that they may get a seat! We can't let this happen people - these people are eccentric and they aren't even artists! I still remember that front-page story in the herald a few years back where some Maori activist claimed the entire seabed between here and Hawaiiki! Heck, he doesnt even know where Hawaiiki is! That made me angry that did. The arrogant dick. Who does he think he is? His own little demi-god? He said some more stupid stuff about how he's entitled to everything handed to him on a platter, but that claim's what really got me.

Yes, I was going to make that paragraph about National, but I got too caught up in that rant.

Batman Began on thursday. I'm still to see it but boy I can't wait! I'm really looking foward to seeing it. Simon's seen it and gave it top review, which is promising. I also want to see:
Mr and Mrs Smith
War of the Worlds
Kingdom of Heaven

War of the Worlds is going to be massive! Massive!!!

I also want to buy Finding Neverland. It is my number one most favourite movie of all time and the only movie in years that has moved me to being very near tears. Fortunately Sonny beside me was also so moved and so it wasn't too embarrasing.

That's all.



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