Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Revenge of the Sith

Yes I went and saw it last night. I saw it on the biggest screen in the country!

Revenge of the Sith is amazing! I thoroughly, thoroughly enjoyed it. It is very very dark and very sad and I have to say I was moved by it. It is the only Star Wars movie that has ever moved me and for that alone it gets both thumbs up. Aside from the totally awesome action, and far better dialogue than in the previous two (Jar Jar Binks' only line is "sorry"- most appropriate for his last ever words to the audience, and C3PO has abandoned his puns), although Obi-Wan still enjoys his one-liners (that is, until he loses his greatest friend to the dark side).

I thought the acting was quite good myself (I know a few others who would disagree) - the Anakin/Padme scenes were quite well done, and Anakin's gradual transformation into Darth Vader is entirely realistic and I certainly felt Padme's and Obi-Wan's extreme grief come through in their acting. There are a few wooden moments but they pass and they certainly don't affect the story as a whole.

It also ties in beautifully with A New Hope.

It's also extremely weird to see Darth Vader showing emotion.

It is really sad.

I really want to find that theme tune - the sad Luke-staring-into-the-sunset tune.

Personally I think this is the best Star Wars movie of the lot. And that is saying a lot. I have to see it again.


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