Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Rubber Food

I start work at 11pm tonight.

I'm working the midnight Star Wars shift - the one all the geeks booked weeks ago so they could turn up in their Star Wars costumes they spent last year making and think that they are the first in the world to see the NEW STAR WARS MOVIE!!!! Heck, half the cinema workers are going to be in costume, why shouldn't the geeks be too?

They're not the first to see it though. My manager saw it a couple of weeks ago. It was the first Star Wars movie she's ever seen. Bit of a stupid one to start with if you ask me. She said it was sad and very dark. She also said that Padme gets the horrible old Princess Leia donut hairdo from Ep IV.

Newayz, gtg - Scrubs starts.


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