Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Saturday, May 14, 2005


This blog temporarily took to the realm of theory, but don't worry, it's back now. This last week I spent writing a history essay. The topic was on German unification. Did you know that Germany wasn't a country until 1871? Before that it was a region made up of 33 independent states. Essentially what happened was:

-Nationalism caused a unification of German culture - people began to see themselves as part of a Germany wider than the state they lived in. People celebrated German history and heros.

-The states began to merge economically. They created a customs union between them, allowing free(r) trade between them. This also allowed the construction of inter-state railways which significantly inproved trade and communication.

-Bismarck realised that the way to unite Germany was to overrule the states individual rights and exclude the Austrian empire from any part of Germany (at that stage part of the Austrian empire was considered German and she had some control over Germanic affairs). Then the other states would fall in line behind Prussia and form a German nation.

-So Bismarck negiotated a free trade agreement between Prussia and France. This made Prussia a very good friend to have amongst the other states and made her the economic centre of Germany. So then Prussia reorganised the customs union to exclude Austria. The other states accepted this coz keeping on Prussia's good side meant that they could take advantage of her free trade with France - massivly increasing their market size. Austria was excluded from Germany economically.

-Then Prussia, under Bismarck, went to war with Austria and defeated her. Austria was now out of Germany. However many of the southern states liked Austria better than they liked Prussia and fought on Austria's side. Bismarck had suceeded in alienating them from his idea of a united Germany. There was no way they were going to unite now.

-So he provoked France by pretending that Prussia was going to snub them. This caused France to declare war on Prussia in order to regain her honour. This was a massive threat to the other German states, and a wave of patriotism spread throughout the German region. The other states allied with Prussia and successfully defeated France. After the war they agreed to a union and the nation of Germany was formed.


In other news:

Debating was great fun last night. I lost my first debate ever (having debated about 5 times :P), but James (our team's pro debater and tutor for this week) repeatedly told me that my speech was awesome, then the pro tutor guy from the other team came up afterwards and said that my speech was very very good and I should definitely take debating further :) then after we had left, another person from the other team came up and said I was really good! :D :D

So that was my ego boost for the evening :)

Then we (me Chris Janks Simon Rikky) decided to go get some Hell's pizza. We ate this on the beach at Mission Bay and the idea was Chris would take us to the bustop somewhere around Greenlaneish so we could catch the 9:40 bus. However - we hadn't reckoned on getting totally, totally lost in the maze of streets south of the Orakei basin! At one stage we ended up going round in circles :P. Eventually Chris just took us all home and then drove home himself (all the way to Whangaparoa!). So last night was a great night.

As far as I am concerned, the debate over continental erosion IS OVER! Move on to the next one. The cure for AIDS and Down's syndrome has already been found. "The reason you may never hear of this cure is because the powerful moneylords in charge of pharmaceutical companies would then lose their market. It has, however been documented in Time, Science and Nature magazines and at AIDS forums."

Essay down, truss project and dynamics test to go, then exams! Then winter holiday!

Bring it.


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