Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Friday, April 22, 2005


You may have noticed that today was exceptionally cold. The bad weather that was predicted 10 days ago to arrive in 10 days time arrived. Summer came late and winter is early. I was almost tempted to light the fire tonight if I hadn't gone out. The really nice thing about winter is being able to sit in front of a flaming fire in a warm, dark room listening to the rain hurl against the curtained window and rattle on the chimney with the smell of a cooking roast in the air. Mmmmmm. And the way the air nips at you when you step outside to check the letterbox. And the clear blue mornings. I get to see the mornings in winter cause it being in term time i have to be up before 11.

What I don't like about winter is having permanently cold fingers and feet and having to wrap up warm and the cold toilet seat and cold sheets when you just get in to bed. Not to mention the short days. And we're too far north to get snow. And the Aurora. One of my life's ambitions is to see the Aurora. It must be incredible.

Only once in my dad's lifetime that he can remember has it snowed in Auckland and that was only a slight scattering in the Waitakeries, although I'm pretty sure I remember reading or hearing something from someone about snow on top of One Tree Hill back in the day during an exceptionally cold winter.

What I don't like about winter is having a cold car, not only hard to start, but cold when you get in with a cold steering wheel and gear stick. And waking up in the middle of the night utterly freezing. And the way it is dark at 5.

I wouldn't mind going to the mountain this year (if I have the money) and having a go on a sled or two. Or just rubbish sacks. Rubbish sacks make very good ways of getting down a snowy mountain in a hurry. I love playing in snow. Who doesn't? The last time I played in snow I was 10 and it was at Arthur's Pass (in the Southern Alps for those who don't know). Actually no, I lie. That was the time before last. The last time was in the crater of Mt. Egmont on the 6th form tramping trip. That trip was so much fun. It was one of the higher lights of my year.

What I don't like about winter is the icy storms at midday, and the way trees don't have leaves, and the way some days the rain just doesn't stop. And the way you have to get up early into the coldest part of the day.

I can't get rid of that "About Me" thing at the top of my blog. I don't want it there. I don't like it. It won't go away.

I tend (and this is very generalised) to listen to mellower music in winter and listen to harder stuff in summer. I wonder why that is.

Congratulations Rikky (again).

I'm in a subjunctive mood. I think it's because I've been on my own for a few days.

(For you linguists that was a pun)



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