Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

An Autobiographical Tuesday

Today was a day of much essay research. I wagged history so I could essay research. Janks and Paul persuaded me that History was not worth going to as we knew exactly what he would be saying and we could download it anyway. Actually they were justifying to each other why they were wagging, but they persuaded me with my essay in the process. So we spent the History period in the library studying (and desperatly trying not to fall asleep in my case) while Chris sat on his lonesome in the History lecture.

I went to Design, despite a deep misgiving about my essay, mostly because I was dangerously close to falling asleep in the library. Once again the lecturer awed us with his incredible 3D modelling abilities. Seriously - there were a couple of times when the entire lecture theatre ( 250-odd people) gasped in amazement. It was almost as good as Dr. Holborow's levitating tricks last year with the magnets.

After that I was aimlessly walking through the Info Commons and out the other side when I heard a bearded "David!" beside me. It was Raymond. He wasn't doing anything either so we called up Henry and Janks and went to lunch. We sat in the grassy space in the quad next to the womanfest tent. I wanted Albert Park but the others were too lazy. I think they just wanted the womanfest tent.

This is starting to get longwinded. If you're still reading, congratulations. Anyway. People left, people arrived, and Henry and Pete W and I ended up in Albert Park. It came to a toss up between sitting in the Rotunda and sitting with Chris and Simon. We took the later. There was much mirth and laughter. Thanks to Pete. Then was my History tutorial. I hate that room. It's so warm and cosy and sleep inducing. It's so bad. I get so sleepy. But this time we had a debate on the Industiral Revolution. That woke me up. Then it was study in the library and HOME. Then it was essay.

I'm still doing the essay.

So, Henry and Raymond, you may have noticed that I've just told you what you did today in third person, but you never know, someone else might just read this blog :P

:'( I'm working Friday AND Saturday nights! And till 2am on friday!
How to strangle your social life: Work at Berkeley. Don't read this Sonny.

I hope nothing happens that I miss. Postpone it people. Postpone it to Sunday night. Unless you want to do something after 2am on Saturday morning (I'm keen).

WinMX sucks.



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