Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Saturday, March 26, 2005


I have it!!!!!
The Incredibles soundtrack!!!
I LOVE the credits theme!! I have it!!!
Thanks Henry!!!!

Easter Break - a good time to catch up on the work I've got behind on over the last 4 weeks. I've also got a lot of reading I need to be doing for my history essay. A LOT. I'm gonna be busy this break. And studying for that stupid "basic" skills thest. As if integration by parts and differentiation of natural logarithims were basic skills. So that's gonna be hard work. Also I think it's time to start on the study notes. Before they start building up. I'm actually going to take studying seriously now I'm at uni. Then again, I say that every year.

Debating is fun. It's great fun ripping people's arguments to pieces. And the people are cool. (All except for Ray the Gay who I'm sure Rikky would be more than happy to tell you about). I should pay my membership fee and join up rather than ripping them off by eating their food and drinking their drinks and absorbing their knowledge for free.

Anyway. I'm really tired so that's all until next time.

ps. I have it!!!!! YES!!!!!


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