Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

"Under The Circumstances" Is Not A Nice Place To Be

I've just totally forgotten what I was going to say.

The Finding Neverland soundtrack is utterly incredible. It is SO good!! If you listen to it when you're happy, you'll probably start crying with joy, if you listen to it while depressed you will probably start crying with sorrow. It's one of those peices of music. The only other song I can think of like that is "The Boxer" by Simon & Garfunkel. That is a great song.

Now I want the sheet music to the soundtrack. :(

Uni is interesting. Assignments are very liberally handed out in engineering. I had one due yesterday, i have one due tomorrow, one on monday (along with a project), and one every monday after that for the semester, as well as reports and projects for Design and essays for History.

I'm gonna be busy :)

I have a hole in my pocket. It's called the bus. Donations are welcome. That reminds me - the AUSA has a welfare benefit in place. Hard up students without money can get free lunches. In fact anyone can get one once - cause they don't ask questions the first time. You can just bowl up and get one.

Yes, my blog has changed it's name. I like this one better.

Money is a scarce commodity at the moment. I hope to rectify that. Gotta go job hunting again. Berkeley is too part-time. Still, at least i got a payrise, that really helps. A 24% payrise according to my handy calculator.

I saw someone at uni I never thought I'd see again. At least, I thought it was her. It might not have been. Someone from the distant past. It's amazing how even years after things happen and you have almost completly forgotten the person and the circumstances, when you suddenly see them again, all those old thoughts and feelings come surging back. I've noticed that a couple of times recently.

That's all. I really can't be bothered writing. I'm too glum right now.


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