Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Only 3 More Days...

Well today I was going to go into uni. But there were several very good reasons i copped out. Firstly i found out yesterday that I had work this afternoon/evening/night and I didn't really want to have to leave orientation half a day early just to race back and cram into my uniform and hurry off to work. Secondly, there was no possible way I was going to be up before 10am, and thirdly, I really don't feel the need to sit for hours at a time listening to lectures about how to buy a car and what to do if your flatmate isn't being fair. I have a car and I don't have a flatmate. But I have to go in tomorrow. It's compulsury Engineering orientation day. Should be fun.

Anyway, work was the busiest I have ever seen it (except opening day). The people just did not stop coming in. Even when there were no movies going in, there were still just enough people trickling in to ensure that we couldn't get on with the several hundred other jobs we had to do between sessions (like restock and clean up). I'm glad I wasn't on floor though. It would have been an absolute mission cleaning the cinemas afterward with only two people. Tonight was probably the first night in 2 months we were actually understaffed. Cashing up was great fun. It's nice handling all that money. Today I got $1,200 just in $20 notes alone! That is a hefty wad and a half of money! And I almost talked myseld hoarse - "Hi there!"*bright cheerful smile begins* "Would you like anything else with that?" "What flavour would you like?" "would you like to sit towards the back or the middle of the theatre?" (that was the worst) "that's $14/28/52/18/32.60" "Enjoy the movie!" *bright cheerful smile ends*

Still, thanks to my being 18 I have a payrise (of almost $2 an hour [i think])! *bright cheerful smile begins* Thanks to me having a student loan i've got to fill out a new IRD tax code form. Maybe I'l get taxed less! Hmm, maybe I should have thought about that while serving customers, that would have got the smile and the cheerfulness going.

It's really funny some of the people you serve, they range from the cheerful to the witty to the laid-back, easygoing to the frowners to the impatient, the gruff, the indimidators, the paranoid, and the down-right terrified! I like messing with the impatient and the bad-tempered. It's also really funny when people try to be intimidating over a metre-wide counter. They lean foward, stare you really hard in the eye, put on their most aggressive tone, and demand a ticket (or food). The trick is to be over-polite in return, and take your time with issuing the ticket. And the cheerful smile as they complain about the seating arrangement last time they were here really infuriates them. Especially when followed by a deliberate "was that a 7up or a mountain dew?".

Anywayz, uni tmrw morning

Until another post,

Au revoir


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