Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Monday, February 14, 2005

Today Is Valentines Day

Phew! That's my loan sorted. Mum took me into town today to hand in my loan contract. It worked well, she wanted to see an auditor and i wanted to hand in my contract personally. So that was good - I got to get into town without the bus fare and actuallytalk to a real live in-the-flesh studylink worker! They're no longer some anonymous organization that send me letters asking for my details so they can pay for my uni fees or a mysterious voice down the other end of the phone line. And Auckland Uni say its fine if you pay late. They don't care. They just charge you the late fee :D

I'm going away tomorrow! We're going back to Paul's summer cottage. "We" being me, Paul, Simon, Janks, Julia and maybe Sonny (if he's not stressing over his allowance :D) and maybe Charlotte if she can come. Five days basking in the sun! (Hopefully this time there will actually be some.) Tonight I find out if I actually have Thursday Friday and Saturday off work :P Could be interesting if I don't...

Anywayz, until i get back,



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