Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Friday, February 04, 2005


It is 2:52 am and I have finally enrolled, after a long and gruelling co-class-selection session with Bern. I am majoring in History. I decided that after a long brain-racking time of "do I want to do english or history??????" I am doing History.

It was frustrating though coz 2 of my tutorial classes (in fact my only two) had filled up! What was worse was that they were the only ones already filled! Still, we survived. Had to change one from Tuesday to Wednesday.

OH POO. That made me think - and sure enough, there's more than one class on tuesday avo! Grrr. Didnt need to swap at all!! Inconvenience!!

If I am incoherent, forgive me. It's 3am.


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