Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Saturday, February 05, 2005

My Big Blog About Today


Today was Apply For A Student Loan And Allowance Day. It took me all afternoon. I hope I got all the details right- I don't really want to be prosecuted, as interesting as that would be - it would also be very inconvenient. Very. There's so much to fill out though! And it was stupid because they asked for my weekly salary/wage and I could only enter one number yet it changes every week depending on the number and length of shifts i get. So I entered an average. i hope it's all right. I don't see why it wouldn't be.

This, by the way, was all while Henry was at the Six Village Theme Park. I know what I would have preferred to be doing -_-.

A fly is currently dive-bombing me. Man the wildlife in here is interactive! None of the live-and-let-live types in here.

Hmm ... this was going to be a big blog, but I really can't be bothered right now. Stay tuned though... for the next exciting installment of "Boy Who Applied For A Loan"!!!!

If it ever screens :P

Hey Henry, how do you add pictures to your post?


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