Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Back and Things Like That

The Blogger is back! Did you miss me? Had an eventful week since I last blogged. As I said last time, me and some of the others went away back to Paul's bach on the north-east west coast. It was GREAT fun!! The weather was hot and sunny and the water was like a bath.

Anywayz, it went like this:

Paul took me and Simon down first on tuesday evening. It took longer than we thought it would getting food and stuff, so almost as soon as we got there Paul had to turn around to come back to get Janks and Julia. Unlucky for him. They took even longer to get down than we did because they had to get the rest of the food and get petrol. Paul (and this is where you explode with laughter) had a slight mishap at the petrol station - he got held up by the petrol-station attendent! He had a few awkward seconds of standing on his own by the petrol pump with his hands in the air before he found out it was just the attendent who was shouting at him to get his hands up :D :D

Wednesday involved a day at the beach with Simon sketching, Janks sleeping and me on the rope swing followed by a general wallow in the water (cheers summer for your warm water!).

Simon had also been complaining of a sore throat and on thursday he and Paul and Julia went into Waiuku to see the doctor. The doctor kindly diagnosed him with tonsilitus and showered him with drugs, none of which seemed to work. So for me and Janks at least it was another lazy day at the beach.

Friday ... yes ... friday. More swimmming and American football in the water, then, i don't know what the others did, but I went for a walk around the point, and around the next. It's kinda cool walking along a completly deserted beach alonside completly deserted cliffs and fields. No-one within at least a kilometre. It's like being on your own on a desert island. Until you look up and see Auckland City just across the water. Anyway, by the time I'd returned, Paul and Simon and Janks had been swimming and had just got out. I went up to find Simon huddled on the ground shuddering and the others watching. Janks thought he wanted to faint, so he went to the bach to get food, but by the time he returned, Simon was shivering so hard that he could barely breathe. He was freezing cold on a bright, hot, sunny summers day. He was more than freezing. He had hypothermia...! So it was rush him to the batch (via a kind old man on a buggy) and throw him and Julia in bed with all the duvets and blankets and stuff we culd find. He survived, and the best part that it almost completly cured his tonsilitus. But I wouldn't have rated his chances if he was on his own.

Saturday we didnt do much, just the beach. Went for a walk in the evening. That was nice. We were going to come home that evening, but we decided to stay on another night. I'm glad we did. We came home Sunday afternoon.

Paul took his computer down, and we managed to get through a lot of anime too. 19 eps of Beck, 12 eps of Bread, 12 eps of Kenshin, and the Kenshin OVA! Thats a lot of viewing time! And we watched the cricket. That Saturday game ... O_O we fought back so well ... ! And then to loose it to 3 outs just like that! *goes and sobs in the corner*

It was my birthday yesterday. I'm 18!! It took a while! 18 years in fact. Now I can go to R18 movies, buy alcohol and cigarettes, and marry. I find it interesting that you can legally have kids 2 years before you can legally marry. Poor society. So messed up.


I'm off to eat bread.



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