Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Sunday, February 27, 2005

Oh Boy, Oh Boy...!

Yes, we went to the cricket yesterday - me Janks and Rikky. Yes those of us who were white are now red. My forehead feels like I've spent the day sandpapering it. That's how burnt it is :S

The Blackcaps lost gloriously once again. They almost put up a fight as decent as the one last time. But not quite. Still, I'm semi-convinced that the Marshall brothers got out deliberatly. Why do I think that? Because it almost makes sense, and because I predicted it each time. It kind of makes sense when you think about it - their job being to get us back in the game by getting one or two runs off every ball, then to get out to make way for the heavier hitters who would get enough runs and fours and sixes to win us the game. Janko or Rikky or some big cricket buff will probably point out some flaw in that reasoning but still, just before James got out, he and Hamish had a prolonged talk in the middle of the pitch (nothing unusaul) in which I imagined Hamish telling James "remember what the coach said, we've got to get out shortly to make way for Cairnsy and the others - you gat out first". Sure enough, that over, James got out. A couple of overs later, Hamish made a stuff-up that should have been avoidable, and got himself out too. Anyway that's what I think.

But yeah, the cricket was great fun. I enjoyed it. I would have enjoyed it more if the sun wasn't so burning and hot. Ooh, that reminds me - when we tried entering Eden Park we had water bottles bigger than one litre (expressly forbidden). They told us we couldn't take them in (well they told me - they let Rikky get away with it) so Rikky and I attempted to finish 1.25 litres right there on the spot (Paul will be able to testify how difficult this is :P) until one guy said "oh is that water? that's alright, go on in"!! So we went on in with our 3/4 finished bottle of pump water (+plus the one in Rikky's bag that they had already let him get away with). It was so random!

What else....

Oh yeah! Uni tomorrow! Should be fun. Not looking foward to the sudden plunge into early mornings though. My body clock is currently set at about 2am sleep, 10am wake up. Not good. Man transport could be soooooo expensive. Like, $40 a week, or thereabouts. Probably closer to $50. That comes to $1, 200 a year. That is an incredibly large amount. Oh well. It'll all work out in the end.


Hehehe. Where did I see that? On the comic book guy's shirt in the Simpson's I think.


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