Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Very Very Bleary

Today I went to university. Hows that for a starting sentence? How about this? - The SUN rose in a BLAZE of glory as the car SCREECHED to a halt in the barren waste that was the Strand Carpark. The weary occupants tumbled out and staggered to the meter, inserted the measly sum of $5 a day, and began that noble pilgrimmage to the university spires, glittering white in the distance.

That's more like it.

I got lost in the labyrinth today. For those of you who don't know what the labyrinth is, it is that warren they call the arts and commerce buildings. Janko lead Helen and I in, left us somewhere in the middle (I think) and we had to make our own way out. Needless to say it wasn't long before we were saying "I don't remember this place". It's annoying when you can hear Symonds street but havn't got a clue how to get there. Even worse when you can see it but are separated by an entire story, a glass window, and a rail, and the walkway leads in the opposite direction. I don't wonder Grace got lost. Seriously, there are so many stairs and corridors and levels and doors leading in every direction and opening out of each other that its a wonder the original builders aren't wandering around trying to get out. I think I'm going to go back tomorrow. A place is no fun once you know your way around. Macleans was like that - absolutly riveting for the first few days but then you got to know your way around and it got less exciting. Much less. So I'm going to get my self as lost as possible and see where I end up. I'll let you know how it went. We originally came through the underpass and up into the heart of the building (one of the buildings) and I was blowed if I could find it again. I saw I sign but it lead to a greater mess of corridors and I was sure there was some light ahead, so I ignored it. I got semi lost in the engineering building too. I think they do it on purpose. From the foyer it looks like the most spacious building around, but once properly inside it's just narrow corridors everywhere. At least they're semi straight. Problem was I couldn't find the toilet. I followed the sign and after a long journey found myself at a staircase leading down to I don't know where. So I doubled back (past the strobing fluorescent light) and eventually found it on tucked away in a corner on a random bend.

The other time I got lost was trying to get to the quad from the engineering block. You would think that would be incredibly easy. So did I. DON'T TAKE THE UNIVERSITY FOR GRANTED. I went through the underpass and up the steps beside it (the Kate Edger side), following 2 people who looked like they knew what they were doing and went straight ahead. All good. Sudddenly I found myself in a dark tunnel that I had never so much as noticed before and I thought "this is interesting, what happened to the second set of stairs?" I figured I might as well keep going and came out into this narrow courtyard that I completly didn't recognise. All I knew was that I was somewhere between Hello Food and Kate Edger in completly unknown territory. I didn't even know such places still existed in that part of the campus. Anyway, I found my way out. It turned out I was a level below the quad, and if you cross the bridge leading from the quad to level 2 of the commons you can look to your right and see the narrow courtyard thing and the mouth of the tunnel. If you go out the doors in level one beside the short loan and the national bank you can see the other end of the tunnel. You can even go through it if you want. If you dare.

Uni is fun. Arts complex here I come.


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