Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Monday, April 04, 2005

I can not go online. I can not access any of my email accounts. I can not open Cecil or Webmail or any form of secure site. I can open other sites though.

When I try to sign in to msn, it tells me that either my sign-in name doesn't exist or that my password is incorrect. It isn't incorrect. I can't get onto the site to change it because the site is secure. "The page cannot be dispayed".

Every so often my Windows explorer pages like My Documents and My Music randomly close, and sometimes the start-bar along the bottom of my window freezes. Internet Explorer sometimes randomly freezes too.

Yesterday my computer randomly restarted while I was in the middle of something. It said it had recovered from a "serious error".

My antivirus doesn't pick up anything and I have software to stop hackers. Unless it's the CIA hacking i'm pretty sure it's up to date enough to stop any known threat.

This REALLY sucks


Oh, that's another thing my computer says when I try to access secure sites - "Invalid Syntax Error" - whatever that means.

Now the little arrow that expands my system tray has disappeared, so I can't open anything stuck in there.



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