Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Tuesday, March 29, 2005


To avoid confusion amongst people who share the samne name, Ray the Gay is a guy who goes to debating who was in the same team as me and Rikky a couple of weeks ago. He is very gay. Very. And Rikky and Chris will fill you in on anything you may want to know about that.

So anyway. Easter. I got my easter egg. I ate it. Didn't do much else except that I went to church with Simon. They had a production portraying the Easter story (a production heavily featuring The Passion of the Christ). Productions are fairly token things for churhes to do during Christmas and Easter. The other major feature of the production was an interptretive dance - another token church production feature. I hate interptretive dances. They bother me. These people writhing around on stage in time to music (and supposedly with each other) like some sort of windows media player visualisation or something. Fortunately there was only one in this case. But yeah, i don't like them.

Been doing assignments for most the weekend. And worked on Saturday night. That meant I missed out on an evening at Pauls in which the guys watched the next 3 or 4 eps of Beck. That puts me behind again. Cheers guys. Someone thought hard about that one.

Yes I'm grumpy. I've been spaghettifying my brain for a couple of assignments and now I have to study for that "basic skills" test which has been timed in such a way as to cause me to miss out on debating this week. And next week. That sucks.

I like that word - "grumpy". Noone uses it anymore. Most people these days are pissed off or something. People should be grumpy.

On the other hand, I have a certain incredible soundtrack that I'm listening to right now. The end credits music is sooo cool! It's like 007 meets Lost in Space meets Thunderbirds.

Star Wars is coming out in about 7 weeks!

Back to study...


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