Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Mechanical Things

Firstly, an administration thing - ( I sound like an institution) - if you don't normally do so, please leave a tag on the board at the bottom of the page. I like to know who visits my blog. The meter keeps on rising but the tagboard remains stagnant. And if you use a pseudonym, I will probably block you. Pseudonyms are for wusses and spammers.

Anyway, I think I might have an idea of what went wrong with my computer last night. Apparently ccApp.exe failed to initialise. According to this is a process belonging to Norton Antivirus that is responsible for auto-protection and email-checking. Might explain why I couldn't access msn and emails and things. My computer has been a bit funny lately with just what it chooses to run and how long it runs for.

In other news, the mechanics test was ugh. I know I got several things wrong. There were 4 questions, each worth 10 marks and allocated 15 minutes to do. The whole thing is worth about 15%. Actually it's worth exactly 15%.

While I was writing that I spontaneously decided to start a little competition. I will give 10 cents to the person who finds a typo in my most recent post. Only the first person to tell me about it will get the 10 cents, and there are 10 cents available for every typo. I can't be bothered going back and checking this post for typos so I have no idea if there are any. I hope not. Money is scarce.

There's another of those "about me" emails going around. I got a few and I thought this time that instead of filling it out and fowarding it, I would copy it to my blog and publish it here. Seems a good thing for a blog to have. Feel free to copy it and do it for yourself and reply. Just not on my tagboard.

So here it is:

*************YOU, YOU, YOU***************
What is your full name?: David
B-day: 21st February
Age: 18
Sex: Male
Where do you live: Howick
What school do you attend?: I don't anymore :D :D
Siblings and their ages?: 1 sister 16
Righty or Lefty: Right

*********ABOUT YOU*********
Hair color: whatever you call it
Eye color: blue? green? grey? something like that. Opinion varies.
Height: 5' 10" ish
Do u wear contacts or glasses?: nope
Do you have any piercings?: nope
Do you have a tattoo?: nope
Do you wear any rings?: nope
How are you today?: not bad. tired.
What pants are you wearing right now?: The ususal shorts. I need to get myself a pair of jeans. I need to get the money to buy them. I got a payrise apparently :D That will help
What shirt are you wearing right now?: I'll show it to you some time
What does your hair look like at the moment?: Short, spiked, in need of a wash
What song are u listening to right now?: "Estreme Days" by TobyMac. Great song. Will get your foot tapping.
What was the last thing u ate ?: Buttered Chicken baby
How is the weather right now?: Night
Last Dream you can remember?: Umm... I can't remember
Who are you talking to right now?: Right now? No-one.
What time is it? 23:07

************More about YOU!*****************
What are the last four digits of your phone number?: 4430
If u were a crayon, what color would you want to be?: blue
Do you like the person that sent u this?: Yeah I like them all.
What's the next CD you are going to buy?: Umm... that's a hard one.
Do u like to dance?: Yeah but that doesn't mean I can.
What's the stupidest thing you ever done?: dunno
How many kids do you want to have?: dunno
Son's names? dunno
Daughter's names?: dunno.
Do you smoke?: No. I steam though when I'm angry, but that isn't quite the same thing.
What kind of shampoo and conditioner do you use?: whatever mum buys.
What sport do you hate the most?: oooh.... i dunno. What do I love? Hockey, basketball, rugby, lacross, handball (go 6th form P.E.), cricket.
How many TV's do you have in your house? 2 normal, 3 black-and-white tiny things, 1 ancient relic.
Do you have your own?: yes :) 1 black-and-white tiny thing
Phone lines?: 1
Have you ever broken/sprained/fractured a bone?: no
Who do you dream about?: whatever's going through my mind as I sleep. What sort of question is that?
Who do you tell your dreams to?: Friends, family
Is cheerleading a sport?: no. it's a form of advertising.

*********YOU and LOVE*********
Do you believe in love?: umm ... yes ....
Do you have a crush? who is it?: There are some things I won't publish on my blog.
Where would you like to go on your honeymoon?: Haven't thought about it.
What song do you want played at your wedding?: dunno
Who do u want to spend the rest of your life with?: the wife and kids, family, friends.
Do you want an inside/outside wedding?: dunno. Outside is nice.

*****ON GUYS FOR GIRLS TO FILL OUT (for girls only)*****
Curly or straight hair?:
Tall or short:
Six pack or muscular arms:

Good or bad guys:
Hat or no hat:
Tan or no tan:
Totally shy, or octopus arms:
Studly or cutie:
Accent or not:
Smart or dumb:
What sport should he play?:

*****ON GIRLS FOR GUYS FOR GUYS TO FILL OUT(for guys only)*****
Painted nails or not: don't care
Regular or sports bra: dont care
Cute n' mysterious or wild n' sexy: in between
Dark or blonde hair: don't care
Long or short hair: don't care
Curly or straight hair: don't care
Dark, light, or crazy cool eyes: don't care
Long or short nails: don't care
Hat or no hat: don't care
Good or bad girl: Good
Hair up or down: don't care
Jewellery or none: don't care
Tall or short: don't care
Accent or no accent: There is no such thing as "no accent"
Pants or dress: this is starting to get boring
Tan or fair:
Pretty indoor chick or crazy party chick:
Freckles or none:
Shy or outgoing: whatever
Funny or always cool: whatever
Talkative or shy: now they repeat questions
*****Pick One: THIS OR THAT***********
Lights on/off: depends what I'm doing...
Sun or rain?: sun but rain's nice. sun's nicer.
Mickey D's (McDonalds) or BK (Burger King)?: BK coz i get cheap meals and a documentry hasn't yet been written about it.
Do u like scary or happy movies better?: that's a very broad categorization of movies. I would have to say "never".
Backstreet Boys or NSYNC: ??!?
On the phone or in person?: definitely in person
Paper or plastic?: paper
Summer or winter?: summer
Hugs or kisses?: depends on the person but i like hugs.
Glass half full or half empty?: depends on whether it is being filled or emptied.
CD or Tape: what's a tape?
Mud or Jell-O wrestling: mud. definitely. mud is fun.
Vanilla or Chocolate: chocolate anyday.
Skiing or Boarding: Boarding
Cake or pie: ooh... depends on whether i want a meal or desert
Diamond or pearl: umm dunno. Maybe diamonds. But i think that's a question i'm more likely to be asking not asked.
Sunset or sunrise: Sunrise
***************YOUR >FAVS*******************
Color: blue. It's the universal favourite colour.
Food: oooooh... where to begin....
Fast Food: dunno
Candy: it's "lollies"!!
Ice Cream Flavour: you can so tell this was made by an american. You can also see why they're so obese - can you have no other favourites than junk-food favourites?
Favourite day of the year? dunno
Favourite month? Late September to Early January. This year though my favourite month was January.
TV show? Junk-food and TV shows. They're all the same over there.
Store?: What? Do I look like a girl?
Scent? food, flowers, new-mown grass, countryside, beaches, mud, surf, salty air, pine-trees, the inside of new books, rain-drenched air, distant burning, the smell of ppl i love (awwwwwwwwwwwww...............), coal fires, that early morning smell you only ever smell at camps, the bush, and so on...
******** HAVE YOU EVER********
Ever gotten dumped?: yeah
Ran from the cops? nope
Stole something? probably
Tried to kill yourself?: uhh... no...
Made yourself get sick?: don't think so
Made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: dunno. Can't remember back that far
************* A FiNaL NoTe*******************
Do you like filling these out: Well I start off enjoying it but the questions can get really stupid and by the end I'm just wondering why. Right now I'm wondering why.
How many people are u sending this to?: I'm not. Ha! Take that you stupid survey. I'm beating the system. I'm publishing it instead.
Do u want your friends to write back?: that'd be good although I have a good idea of most of what they would say. Feel free to though. That goes for anyone.



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