Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Sunday, April 17, 2005


Holidays have begun. And I haven't done much yet. I spent pretty much the entire weekend at home except for work. I found out yesterday at work that I have a pay rise. That improved my night significantly! I don't officially work downstairs any more, I've been shunted into the Circle Lounge. So if you want to see me you'll have to come up the stairs. Having said that I was working downstairs last night. So, yeah.

It was SO busy!! Like - people just didn't stop streaming in! There was always at least one person either being served or approaching the counter wanting to be served. I hate to think what it will be like when Star Wars comes out. Most of the first week is sold out already apparently! The first day certainly is.

Hopefully they'll be doing a test screening before they show it to the public. That's what they do with movies they get. Hopefully I'll be able to go to the test screening and BE THE FIRST TO SEE IT. No booking a month in advance and queuing for hours for me :D

Still, I don't know. The projectionist I was talking to (as we stood in the projection box watching the trailer through the projection window) said that they probably won't get the film until either the night it's released or the night before. And the night it's released they've got a midnight screening. So, I don't know...

Here's hoping.

No staff are allowed to see it for free the first week of release :(

So yeah, where was I? Oh yeah, spent pretty much the entire weekend at home or at work. That's what happens when you work friday and saturday night in the same weekend. No social life for you.

I found out tonight that "nizzle" was another word for "nigga" (used only between people of afro-american ethnicities when they communicate with each other). So don't go and say "Sup my nizzle" to a black person unless you want them to smash your face in (or should I say "clock yo grill")

Yes, I have been reading

No Raymond I don't owe you any money. No matter what you say.

And Henry, can you show me how to delete "recent posts" and move my tagboard and add links? Like, maybe write up a tutorial in your blog or something?

These holidays I need to start my 3D Modelling project, abnd I want to start my next history essay. I also want to go out and buy me a pair of jeans. I've been saving up :) And Jeans West give $15 off on the student card :) Don't know if I'll go there though.

That's enough. Stop now David.



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