Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Monday, April 25, 2005

Anzac Day

I like dance music.

Today is Anzac Day. Today is the day we remember that a lot of kiwi and aussie soldiers died because someone (probably aussie) couldn't read a map and account for tides and stuffed up the beaches at Gallipoli and instead of landing the soldiers at a beach from which they could have then busted the Turk's butts, they landed them in the very middle of the Turkish base. I wonder what the Turks were thinking as they watched the Anzac boats approach and unload.

We also remember all the Anzacs who died in the attempt to stop Hitler and what's-his-face-who-was-in-charge-of-Japan from conquering the world. Particularly in Africa and Italy. Did you know, the Maori battalion in Italy (the 28th I think) managed to capture an important post simply by doing the haka on the side of a hill? The Germans heard them and thought they were about to be invaded by some warrior horde and fled from their posts. The Maoris walked over the hill and into the fortifications and took them over! No gunshots or anything. The Germans were scared witless by the haka! I think that's funny.

My dad was telling me about Anzac days in the 50's. It was just after WW2 back then and Anzac Days were alot bigger. Everyone turned out for the military parades and ceremonies. It was a regular occurance for soldiers gaurding the flag to faint they were there for so long. It was also a bit like Christmas in that families got together to have lunch and stuff like we do now at Christmas.

My fingers are too cold to type properly. I have to keep going back and correcting mistakes I've made.

Tomorrow (later today really) I want to go to Botany and by me a pair of jeans. I have the money to now :D Oh and I need to get a new roster for work. What else? Oooh yeah - my project. I have a massive project due in just over a week and I havn't properly started. I'm gonna be busy this week :S And tomorrow night (tonight) I'm gonna be in town. Which reminds me - there's a cool dancy nightclub down the bottom of queen street that Mike mentioned that I want to go to. You need formalish dress though.

I've recently been reading Calvin & Hobbes. I like those comics. I haven't read them for years and I'd forgotten just how much I enjoy them.

That's all.



Blogger neha said...

[oh wonder why dont you allow anonymous comments, if you make any sense of my blog - that would be a wonder... i dont think anybody can, i never even bother to finish the sentences... it just saves space on my comp.]

yeah used to wonder how can a national holiday and celebration be on someday you lost the battle... i find it fascinating to read what ppl think of anzac.
the haka story is fascinating and somehow very believable, have you seen 'the thin red line'.

2:54 am  
Blogger B said...

calvin and hobbes. always enjoyable. and somehow intellectually challenging. nasty like garfield, subtle like peanuts.

3:00 am  

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