Blog Eight

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Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Books & Conspiracies

I should be doing my Design project. I spent most the afternoon and evening doing it and I'm nowhere near finished. I'm going to take the day off tomorrow and try and get it finished. I can do that because there's no Engineering. Just means I'll miss my History lecture. But that's ok, I can (somehow) make it up. And then when that's done there's my History essay to do. :S German unification. Soon I'll be able to tell you all about how the country of Germany came into being in the 1870's or thereabouts. Won't that be exhilirating?

I'm playing a playlist of songs at the moment from heaps of different artists, yet all the computer is choosing is U2 songs. My computer has good taste.

I'm reading a series of books at the moment that the Master & Commander movie was based on. They're really good. They're Historical Fiction genre - in other words they're a candid account of someone's life (althought fictional). No fantasy or horror or science fiction or drama or morals, just plain reality retold. I've discovered that's my favourite genre - it's very real and allows an immense scope for the author's creativity, because while the subject is just everyday life (in a historical setting) you can tell that story in very powerful ways. If I was going to be anything artsy or creative I'd be a writer. It's a very powerful medium and it's one heck of a lot easier and cheaper than film. Or I'd go back to music and write music. Preferably both. A book with a soundtrack, now THAT would be interesting.

The other kinds of books I like are the ludicrously funny books written in the 1920's and 30's by people like P.G. Wodehouse and Evelyn Waugh. If you haven't ever read anything by either of those two I strongly recommend you do. They are comedy incarnate. Wodehouse is better than Waugh.

Tonight's theme is literature.

Thing's to ponder as you go into the week:
-If the Earth was more than 2 million years old then the continents would have eroded beneath sea level and we would not be here. No known process could stop this.
-The cure for Down's syndrome, AIDS, and cancer has been found
-The reason you may never hear of this cure is because the powerful moneylords in charge of pharmaceutical companies would then lose their market. It has, however been documented in Time, Science and Nature magazines and at AIDS forums.
-The meteorite from Mars that hit Antartica a while back originally came from Earth
-Traces of chlorophyll have been found on asteroids and meteors throughout the solar system.
-New Zealand has some of the highest Uni fees in the world (apparently)
-The ozone holes have been there ever since we first discovered the ozone layer. The holes are not growing but fluctuate in size on a regualar basis. They are a natural occurance of the Earth's spin, just like the Earth is thicker at the equator and thinner at the poles, so is the ozone layer (and in fact the entire atmosphere).
-CFC's are way too heavy to make it up high enough to damage the ozone layer.
-Dinosaur bones, organ-tissue remains, and red blood cells have been found. Red blood cells and bone tissue decomposes after a few thousand years. These remains are therefore unable to be much older than the Egyptian mummies. These dinosaurs only died a few thousand years ago.
-People do not get fat because they eat fat, they get fat because they don't get enough other stuff like vitamins and minerals, therefore their body goes into starvation mode (even though it's "well-fed") and stores everything it can get in the form of fat.
-Drugs do not cure anything, they merely hide the symptoms. Antibiotics cannot distinguish between the germs they're meant to kill and the body tissue they're meant to protect. This is why the wrong dose of even supposedly "beneficial" drugs can be seriously harmful.
-Prescribed medicinal drugs are the number one ( or maybe numeber 2 or 3 - but up there somewhere) cause of death in America. These aren't drugs that have been abused or taken incorrectly - these are deaths from drugs prescribed to them by a doctor which they have taken correctly.

We are fed a lot of information that is often engineered. Usually to further some tycoon's financial interest. You do not have to believe everything I just wrote, however if you have any interest in your life and what goes on around you you should investigate some of what you get told. It is often a load of bollocks.



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