Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Something Funny Happened To Me Tonight...

I got home from uni about 7:30 to find that I was meant to be at work since 6. :S Turned out I had a wrong roster. I'm not even "available" to work Thursday night's because usually I don't get home until at least 10:40pm. Manager wasn't angry once the misunderstanding was sorted out though. I went in to work to sort it out and get the new roster. Turns out its my turn to be the talk of the cinema. Surprise, surprise I'm working Friday and Saturday nights again. :S No going out for me, unless I go out after midnight. Of course, that requires something to be happening after midnight that I can get to. Still work is my second choice of things to do on Friday and Saturday nights so it's not too bad.

Had big lunch gathering today. Me, Helen, Jessica, Sonny, Janks, Rikky, Henry, Ju. Was great fun. Saw Zee and Raphael. Long time no Zee (ohohohohohohoho!!!) . I had the nicest croissant I ever remember eating too. I wonder how many layers it had (for those of you who watch the Yakatake Japan anime)?

We went to the High Court to watch a civil case that never happened. We went to the Law Library to study (they have group study rooms). We went to Britomart via food on Queen Street. We went home. I found out I was meant to be at work.

Man I have some really bad lecturers for Engineering...



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