Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Saturday, April 30, 2005



-Can't be bothered getting up for my Mechanics lecture so I sleep in and miss the bus
-Get up in time to catch 10:55 bus from Janko's
-Catch bus, get off at 12:05 - slightly late for MM1 lecture
-Late to MM1, boring, finishes early, leave.
-Go to Law Library to get jumper I left there last night
-Go to Albert Park to wander around and hopefully bump into someone
-Bump into Henry on the crossing
-Persuade him not to go meet Sonny but to get him to come to Albert Park
-Sonny doesn't come to Albert Park, we go to look for him
-Can't find Sonny, I see Dennis as he sees me, say "Hi", Grace answers my "Hi", I realise she's standing in front of me, Henry calls Sonny
-Turns out Sonny is at Albert Park, we go to get him (with Dennis and Grace)
-Go into city to get lunch, see Simon and Julia, go to Saiku (or whatever it's called)
-They get Japanese, I go to foodcourt opposite and get pizza roll and chocolate muffin
-Dennis and Grace go to lectures, Hery, Sonny and I go to find Henry's brother a present (happy birthday William, hope you enjoy it)
-Henry goes to lecture, Sonny and I wander down Queen Street, we keep crossing it at random points to see shops on the other side
-We get to Britomart, go and have a look at the train station, go back, think we've missed our bus, realise we haven't, get on it
-Rikky and Arunim get on at lower Uni stop
-I find out from Arunim what happened in the Mechanics lecture I skipped, I find out that they spent an hour doing 4th form Science - deriving F=ma, I am glad I slept in instead
-Steve gets on at upper Uni stop
-Bus ride, get car, go home
-Go to work
-Come home
-Come online
-Write this post:

I fully, fully recommend Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. It looks really, really good, in a fun, slightly off-the-wall, clever kind of way. If you don't like it that's not a reflection on the movie, it's because your weird. Take that.



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