Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Tagboard's down. At least it is on my computer, along with all the tagboards on everyone else's sites. Maybe it's just me - my internet's been a bit slow tonight. I don't know. You do however. I might be getting broadband soon! It's great! Yes, Simon, Janko and Paul I know I've been saying that off and on for about three and a half months but this time mum is actually talking about it too which means it might actually happen!

I really like it when the radio plays songs I used to like but haven't heard for several years. How do you spell "haven't"? Is it "haven't" or "havn't"? Neither of them look right.

My project is FINALLY FINISHED!!! Now I can move onto my MM1 assignment and my history essay!!! :'(

Yes, Engineering has a massive workload. It is honestly insane. There was a time towards the end of last half-semester when I felt like I was coming apart I was so busy - what with assignments and essays and work and other things. Next semester is going to be worse. Not only am I taking an extra paper(to make 5), but each paper has even more associated classes. Materials Engineering has SIX classes a week! - 4 plenary lectures, 1 lecture, 1 lab! I am supposed to be there from 8am till 6pm on thursday yet only from 9am till 11am on monday. How wacked is that? I'm not going to the 8am class though. The sky will fall before I attend an 8am class. I'll just go along to the later stream. There's always room, even when it's full coz people are always wagging.

I'm going to copy Raymond now: - [Raymond you've started a fashion!]

People I met/saw today (in order):
  1. Paul - in his car
  2. Simon - in Paul's car
  3. Garett - in Paul's car
  4. Ruwan - in Paul's car
  5. Chris - next to me in History
  6. Janks - next to Chris in History
  7. Bern - in Design
  8. Dennis - at the exam postings
  9. Pete W - on the benches in the quad
  10. Sonny - on his way to lunch (which he then had with me)
  11. Dennis - on the bridge
  12. Arunim - near the big white sculpture thing
  13. Mike Mills - on the bus

Henry you never replied to my text.

My internet is really slow...


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