Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Monday, May 16, 2005

Dark, Dirty, Moist and Nice (Three Men and a Chocolate Cake)

You can get the nicest chcoclate cake pieces from the student cafeteria (that is the name of the nameless food place) for only $1.80! They're big pieces too!

The bakery's shut down :'( I am gutted. There go my 50c lunches :'( Now, unless I want to go into the city, I have to put up with the overpriced stuff they serve in the rest of the quad :'( And so soon into my university career! :'( :'(

I wonder where the nearest Baker's Delight is...

Had lunch with Raymond and Sonny today. At least, I had a piece of choclate cake while they had lunch. In fact - Sonny didn't have lunch either, he had chips. Uppercut chips.

Now I have to start my truss research for wednesday. Also there's my dynamics study for the thursday night test and my history study for next tuesday's test.

And I have to decide whether I'm able to wag Friday to see Revenge of the Sith or whether I should turn up. I think I should turn up, we'll be doing Kinematics of Rigid Bodies in mechanics and Complex numbers in MM1, both very worth turning up for.

Email/text/msn Sonny and tell him to start his blog. He just needs one more person to tell him....

Email me to tell me how to add links and stuff. If you don't know my email, don't email me.

Gotta do those trusses and that study... I wonder if this is going to work this time...

It's funny - work at uni seems to be tidal. One week you may have (relatively) nothing to do - maybe just a single project or something - then suddenly you're swamped and you wonder how you're going to manage it all. I think this is my third or fourth swamp this semester. It's also going to be the last. At least it's not too bad - I only have 5 things to have done by next wednesday (on top of work). I always get rostered on for the most shifts when I'm least able to work. I have dynamics test, history test, mm1 assignment, mm1 project, and truss project to do. Then just 1 more assignment, 1 more project for the week after and I'm free for exams!


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